The Truth About Bed Bugs: Why They’re Hard to Eliminate and How to Fight Back

The Truth About Bed Bugs: Why They’re Hard to Eliminate and How to Fight Back


Bed bugs, as the name sounds, are not typical pests and can be a nightmare if not treated well. Bed bugs are small insects that cannot be seen easily.  They hide inside dark corners of fabrics like pillows, sofas, and mattresses, and even on small holes or cracks in walls and floors, which makes it almost impossible to detect them. 

Bed bugs hide themselves from human eyes during the daytime and appear mostly at night in the dark. Their food is human blood but generally doesn’t spread any harmful diseases. The reason their attack at night is that people are generally sleeping at that time, and they can easily bite and suck blood from their skin. Initially, when it bites, there is no sensation, but later on, it keeps irritation and itchiness on the skin. That’s why it is important to avail pest control services if bed bugs are detected or there’s any sign of them, as they aren’t easy to catch and eliminate. One such expert pest control service provider in an affordable range is

How do you understand if it’s a bed bug?

Bed bugs are different from usual pests and have distinctive characteristics by which we can detect them. For instance-

  • Shape—Bed bugs are flattened and ellipsoidal, so their shape is very different from that of regular pests like insects, flies, and ants.
  • Color- Bed bugs have the characteristic of changing color after sucking the human floor and before it. Generally, it has a mahogany brown color, but after sucking blood, it changes into reddish brown.
  • Size—The bed bugs range between 5 mm and 7 mm in size and change their size as they age. They also get 50% larger after consuming blood.

Why are bugs hard to eliminate?

The Bed bugs are difficult to detect and catch as

  • Due to their small size, they can easily hide behind walls, doors, wallpapers, sofa corners, mattresses, and such dark areas.
  • They usually appear at night time, especially when humans are sleeping.
  • Their symptoms are visible after some time and not instantly.
  • Bed bugs tend to multiply in number very fast, which becomes a bigger threat to eliminate them at root cause without expert supervision.

Therefore, these bed bugs almost seem invincible and are hard to eliminate due to their features.

What Bed bugs do?

Bed bugs have various effects and symptoms like-

Symptoms of Bed bugs-

Bed bugs can cause infections to human skin by directly sucking their flood and causing issues like –

  • Itchiness around the affected areas
  • Rough lines or clusters of lines in face, arm, or neck area
  • Inflammatory spot areas or darker spots

Disturbance in the sleep cycle 

Bed bugs are very irritating and can be a nightmare for people who know there is a sign of them in their house. Unlike mosquitoes, spiders aren’t detectable easily and can make irritating noises, too. Therefore, they can create a hassle in the normal routine, especially the sleep cycle.

Mental Stress

Bed bugs are prone to mental stress in humans since their effects irritate human skin and cause infection. Even bed bug injections are available in the market for the same. Therefore, having bed bugs causes a lot of stress internally to humans and must be eradicated as soon as possible, especially in homes with elderly people, kids, and pets.

Shredding of furniture

If your house is infested by bed bugs, you will notice chewed furniture or cracks in it. Bed bugs tend to chew furniture to bite it, especially wooden ones, and they can also cause termites.


Therefore, bed bugs must be eradicated under expert supervision with a pest control service, as home remedies or DIYs might not help, especially as they multiply in numbers, and killing all of them with such methods would be impossible. 

Pest control