Power surge causes how to protect your devices.?

Power surge causes how to protect your devices.?


Could you go through your day without using a single electronic or electrical device? We have come to rely heavily on electrical devices not only for work, but also for everyday life. That’s why it’s essential to make sure you protect them from potential power surge damage.

Every home that uses electricity experiences power surges from time to time. If you haven’t invested in electrical surge protection yet, you’ll want to make it a top priority.

Without it, you not only risk losing valuable data stored in your computer, but you also risk losing electrical devices or entire devices.

And no one wants to be put in a position where they have to unexpectedly replace a major device they didn’t budget for.

In this article, we’ll look at how power surges happen, the type of damage they can cause, and how to properly equip your home with surge protection.

What does surge mean

What is a power surge? Well, that’s a pretty simple answer. True to its name, a power surge, also known as a power surge or transient voltage, is a very brief spike in voltage.

What are the common causes of power surges?

You might be wondering what would cause a power surge? Well, there are many different sources for a push.?

1. Internal sources within your home

Sources inside your home are responsible for up to 80% of power surges you will encounter, making them the most common cause of power surges. When electronic devices with motors and compressors turn on or off, they interrupt the flow of power to and from other electrical devices.

You will frequently see this circuit overload occur with hair dryers, space heaters, power tools, HVAC units or air conditioners, and large appliances. Most often, these are smaller-scale surges that occur regularly, causing so-called electronic rust or damage to slowly emerging products.

2. Obsolete electrical systems

Another cause of house surges is outdated electrical systems and faulty wiring, especially in older homes that don’t have updated wiring.

Many homes built before the 1980s have cheaper aluminum wiring than today’s standard copper wiring. We now know that older aluminum connections tend to loosen and cause surges.

3. Love at first sight

More than 20 million cloud-to-ground lightning strikes are detected each year across the country. Lightning strikes can cause large power surges that could instantly ruin any electrical devices you have plugged in (like computers and TVs). Electricity from lightning can enter your home through your cable TV or cable satellite dish or through incoming telephone or electrical service lines.

4. Fallen tree branches, car crashes and wildlife

Tree branches and car accidents that destroy power lines can cause power outages. Likewise, animals, such as squirrels, snakes, and birds, can sometimes interfere with electrical equipment by climbing into transformers that interrupt power service.

Then, when the utility company changes the power grid to restore power after an outage, excess electricity floods the electrical system, causing power surges.

How do you recognize if you have had a power surge?

Some visible signs of faulty wiring are fuses blowing frequently or circuit breakers tripping regularly.

Flashing or dimmed lights when the refrigerator or other large apps turn on are also signs of a problem.

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